"We have a wedding to plan and much less time than we thought we had. But we booked a place, and set a date, and now we need to come up with the frugal details, and that's where this blog comes in."
Our registry can be found at Target.com, and Sears.com when you search for us in the registry, look up Ellie Sallee, or Kyle Gerlach.

Monday, September 8, 2014

What to Wear

Being a pretty frugal wedding, I do not expect anyone to go out and purchase an outfit for my wedding, and I do not want anyone to be uncomfortable.
That being said, I think it would be amazing to have a vintage theme, and that can be accomplished simply with a color palette and some photo props. 

It might be a bit chilly, the date is October 26th, so it could go either way.

If anyone has 

A. Suspenders
B. Cool old fashioned hats or derby hats
C.  vintage style accesseries like hair pins, face nets, gloves, petticoats, ect
D. cool trench coat
E. vests
F. other vintage props

BRING THEM! Wear them, or if you have extras offer them as a prop for pictures.

If you do not have these items, do not stress, it is not a big deal, plenty of people won't. In fact, I am not sure if anyone will have anything. It would just be neat to have a vintage theme for the wedding. But do not go out and buy anything just to wear to my wedding unless you really want to. No one will be policing what you wear. 

Here is a basic color palette, again you are not restricted to these colors, it is only a suggestion. 

If you do not have anything in those colors, don't go buy something. Below are more colors.  Do not rent a tux, khackies are more than welcome with a white button shirt, or white T-shirt and vest or brown jacket, ect. You are not restricted to these, it is only a suggestion if you would like to join us in the theme. 

Here are some example clothing that would work great for the wedding, and for more examples google vintage or retro dresses, and you will see that the modern style has been heavily influenced by vintage and retro fashions, so you might even have something in your closet already, or your best friends. If not just pick a color, or not. White/ cream are great colors, or anything lacy for the ladies.


Have fun with hats! Remember you can always turn it into a derby hat later!

I hope that the following photos will inspire you find something within your current wardrobe that you are comfortable with. If you cannot find anything that fits the theme, wear what you feel comfortable in that you already own, or hit the thrift shops. You would be surprised at what treasures can be found for pennies. 

The Men: some possibilites

Okay guys, if the Doctor can pull it off, it is cool.  Bow ties are now cool. But if you don't like this look there are plenty more.

If you wear a vintage hat, wear whatever suit you have. 

Don't forget if you go all out, Halloween is right around the corner. It would serve a double function.

With the right shoes, you could get away with jeans.

The Ladies: I would wear a sweater with it.

    Please try to be modest. Please no tube top dresses, or one shoulder.
    It might be chilly so bring a sweater, jacket or petticoat just in case.
For added fun, you could wear a pair of gloves and a cute hat to make these modern dresses seem vintage.

get inspiration from Halloween costumes.

Ladies, with the right top, you could get away with jeans. 

If you dont feel like your outfit is "vintage" enough, try wearing a vintage hair style and wearing cream and brown.

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